Memory of the Sea

The outcome of the first part of the project was showed during Dutch Design Week 2021 at Sectie C in Eindhoven.

The exhibition showed the outcomes of the first stage of the project, which consist of the library of colours and materials samples and the visual research of the area of Zeeland.

At the exhibition, I showed hundreds of material samples which I created during last year. They consist of composites using the materials I have found on the beach. Some of them were used with ceramics, to create new composites and glazes, some of them are concrete made out of burned oyster shells, some of them are using natural binders with the findings from the beach. I showed how rich the local resources are and also how much overlooked. Visual codes of the seaside, popular in culture, are often limited to cliches. I believe there is a need for a more local and contextual approach in order to build the identity of the place, and what comes with it, its representation.

Pictures made by Anniek Mol
Ehibition during DDW 2021 was possible thanks to the kind support of Cultuur Eindhoven.