Do flowers know they are beautiful? Would they look at themselves with admiration?
The mirror lens around the plant appropriates the image of the surroundings and makes the plants observe their reflection in a mirror. Narcissus represents nature as delicate and requiring protection, but also as selfish and egotistic.
I have been interested in preserving the knowledge of so called dying crafts. I have proposed work in cooperation with several highly-qualified craftsmen in order to continue to transmit the knowledge and to create a series of objects.
Narcissus was one of the outcomes of the collaborations.
Glassblowers manually produced the glass vases in a wooden mold and gave color using a traditional colouring method. The collar surrounding the plant is made using metal spinning and is later burnished and protected against tarnish.
Narcissus is an effect of the scholarship Młoda Polska (Young Poland) which I got in the 2013 year from Ministry of Culture and Heritage in Poland.